Editing transit line routes

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To edit a transit line’s route:

  1. Click on the line you want to edit to enable Edit mode (line highlighted in green)
  2. Right-click on one of the line’s nodes to toggle the Transit Line Editor wheel.

  3. Right-click on the appropriate node > Set Anchor :

  • The anchor node will be highlighted in red
  • The anchor serves as the fixed point from which changes/rerouting originate. When a line is first selected the anchor point is by default set to be the line’s start node.
  • To Clear the anchor:
    • Right-click on the current anchor > Clear Anchor :

    • Click on the Transit Line drop-down > Clear Anchor:

Multiple route edits can be done from this point:

  • Extending an existing line:
  1. Set the current line’s end node to be the Anchor.
  2. Click on the node you want to extend the line to (new end node).
  3. Right-click > Accept sketch to save the changes:

Tip: The new Transit line extension will now be available in the Transit Network Sequence tab in the Line's Feature Table:

  • Rerouting a transit line:
  1. Set the anchor to be the rerouting starting point.
  2. Right-click on the anchor node again > Reroute

  3. Click on either:
    1. The new end node and have CUBE to draw the line corresponding to the shortest path.
    2. All the individual nodes you wish the line to pass through
  4. Right-click > Accept sketch to save the changes
  • Creating direct links:
  1. Set the anchor to be the starting point of the direct link
  2. CTRL+Click to the end node where you want the direct link to go to.
  3. Right-click > Accept Sketch to save the changes
  • Removing a node:
    • Right-click on the node you want to remove > Remove Node:

Note: If the removed node corresponds to an intermediate node, a direct link will be created between the previous and following node.
  • Set cost function for shortest path:
  1. Open the Transit Line Layers Properties:
    1. Double-click on the Layer
    2. Right-click on the Layer > Properties
  2. Open the Data Source tab
  3. Write the corresponding cost function in the Cost function code block.
    Note: As a shortcut to display all the table field’s available use CTRL+3
  4. Click Apply
  • Duplicating a line:

    To create a copy of a line and its attributes:

    • Right-click on any of the line nodes > Duplicate:

    • Click on the Create Transit Line drop-down > Duplicate in the GIS Editor toolbar:

    Flipping a line's direction:

The direction of a line is determined in the sequence_number field in the Transit Network Sequence tab in the Feature table. It is possible to change the direction of the line:

• Right-click on any of the line nodes > Flip:

• Click on the Transit Line drop-down in the toolbar > Flip:

  • Adding stop/non-stop nodes:
  1. . Right-click on the node you want to set to a stop/non-stop node.
  2. . Click on Stop to toggle between setting the node to Stop and Non-stop:

Note: When first creating a transit line all nodes are set to Stop
Feature Table value Map Edit Wheel

You can also modify stop/non-stop nodes from the Feature Table by:

• Typing the corresponding value for stop/non-stop (1 or 0) in the stop field > Commit Changes to save.